Determined to optimize your psychosocial services?
We support you from A to Z in this process, starting by determining your needs

Every problem...
Running out of time?
Is technology justadding to your workload?
Would you like to keep better track of your patients and customers?

...its solution
We help you achieve your goals by adapting to your real needs
We offer technological solutions that really help, because you are at the center of the solutions.

Click on the characters for examples of accompaniments

Wilma, director of a day center
It wants to embark on a digital transition, but is working with a customer base that is reluctant to change.
Christian, researcher and director of an addiction center
The clinic is well advanced in its digital transition and is looking to create tools tailored to its needs.
Sophie, director of an eating disorders clinic
Her digital transition has been underway for a few years now, but she wonders if it’s really working to her advantage.
Victor, director of a street work organization
We need statistical data to prove that there is a present and growing need for shelters, and to gain a better understanding of our clientele.
1. Free consultation
We learn that the digital transfer is a request from its Board of Directors, which wants to replace all paper notes with electronic medical records to comply with Bill 25.
However, from a legal point of view, electronic medical records are NOT mandatory for day-care centers.
So we take the time to assess their real needs.
2. Search for numerical solutions
We’ll be talking to families and stakeholders to make a rapid needs assessment.
Real needs
That the patient’s medical information be accessible to the family and that communication with family caregivers be easier.
What you need to take into account
The computer skills of the people involved.
We recommend a digital transition plan with long-term support (no big, quick changes).
3. Support
Presentation of an adapted digital transition plan to the Board of Directors and follow-up throughout the transition.
4. Training / coaching
We don’t have any in-house training to match needs, but we can refer people to the right external training.
5. Adaptation/optimization of your current tools
We believe that Synerpsy, our product, as well as Teams, would meet these needs.
The Board prefers to use Teams, so we help optimize the use of this tool so that it meets their needs as much as possible.
1. Free consultation
We learn that the clinic is embarking on a research project for which it will need to collect precise data.
The director wants to implement a tool that will make it easy to collect this data.
2. Support
We organize meetings with researchers and clinicians as the research project progresses to ensure that needs are being met.
3. Creation of a custom application
We’re creating a bespoke tool that will collect the necessary data in a way that fits well with the team’s current way of working, which is already working very well.
4. Training / coaching
We train clinicians and researchers in the use of the new application we have created specifically for the clinic.
1. Free consultation
We learn that several elements are in place: website, training registration system and group follow-up on Zoom.
However, they feel they have lost some of their customer base since this transition.
2. Search for numerical solutions
We’ll help set up a data collection system to target the real needs of current and past users.
In a few months’ time, when we’ve collected enough data, we’ll be back to analyze it.
3. Support
After analyzing the data, we found that users are open to using technological tools, but that the ones they have implemented are difficult to use or find.
We believe that training could solve the problem.
4. Training / coaching
Improve your use of social networks to promote your technology tools
Improving the user experience
How to highlight your calls to action on your website and adapt it for mobile platforms.
The person who designed your website will apply the changes.
Group follow-ups
Restore in-person group meeting options for former users, or set up a hybrid formula (distance and face-to-face).
1. Free consultation
We learn that there’s a pressing need related to a grant. So we need to install elements quickly, but also as part of a longer-term project, so we don’t have to start all over again later.
2. Search for numerical solutions
Find realistic data collection solutions for the type of customer.
Your team is very busy, so we can’t set up a system that takes up too much of their time and energy.
Your users don’t want to give their real name or anything else. You don’t want to scare them off
3. Training / coaching
Train three key people on the data you CAN and CAN’T take(Law 25).
4. Adaptation/optimization of your current tools
Short-term project
Quickly implement optimized management of Excel files for data collection.
5. Creating a custom application
The following year, we’ll be able to create a tool tailored to the shelter’s specific needs, so as to collect more precise information and automate certain processes.
Our approach
From bottom to top
Our starting point is the needs of those we help, not the desire to implement a specific technology.
People first
We believe that technology is the solution, but that it must adapt to people, not the other way around.
Field experience
Our extensive experience in the field, combined with our technological expertise, enables us to understand your situation and propose solutions that will really help you.
Not sure how to meet your needs?
That’s the way it should be!
That’s why we’re here to offer you free one-hour evaluation.
Make an appointment with us!